How to Avoid Truck Spots
Most Australians are accustomed to driving in a mixture of solid cars, bicycles, trucks and buses. However, this familiarity means that over time many people forget or choose to ignore the danger when traveling close to a truck.
Truck drivers do their best to drive safely on our road, but all motorists have a responsibility to keep away from truck blind spots and avoid many other known dangers while driving by truck.
In this article, we provide you with some driver safety tips and teach you how to find truck blind hino semarang spots.
Learn the truck's blind spot
The blind spot is where the driver loses sight of other vehicles. Trucks come in various shapes and sizes, but the only thing they have is blind spots. Knowing the location and scope of blind spots or danger zones can help you avoid disasters. Truck spots are:
Right behind the truck.
On each side of the truck.
Directly in front of the truck and extend to the left lane.
Next to the left door of the truck.
The main rule is: if you can't see the driver's face in the side mirror, move quickly so you can.
Don't linger beside the truck
Although the law says to keep going except overtaking, many motorists on the highway choose to "sit" in the middle lane. This practice puts everyone in danger, especially when people "sit" next to a truck at a blind spot. If the driver needs to change lanes for any reason, there might be a big problem. So, stay on the left and pass the truck firmly and safely.
Pass safely
Trucks require twice as much time and space to stop than cars. That's why you can't cut in front of a truck. Remember there is a blind spot right in front! We recommend that you wait until the entire front of the truck is in your rearview mirror before pulling forward.
Avoid trailing
Tailgating is also big, no, no. The driver can't see you and you don't know what's going on in front. Retreat until you can see the left and right side mirror.
Keep it clean for a wide left turn
Truck drivers often need to swing to the right to turn left. Ignoring the truck indicator can get you stuck between the truck and the sidewalk. Always pay attention to truck indicators, keep clean and give the truck space to turn.
Other safety tips for the driver
Here are some very useful tips to ensure your next meeting with the truck is safe:
Always signal far ahead when stopping or turning, to give the truck driver enough time to avoid you.
Disable cruise control when overtaking trucks. You will want to increase the speed to pass and minimize the time spent in the truck's blind spot. Of course, ensuring your higher speed is a safe dump truck hino speed.
Be observant. Look at the mirror of the truck to see if the driver sees you.
Never cut in front of a slowing truck.
Never go around or drive around an upside down truck.
Truck drivers, including those in the heavy transport industry, do their part to make sure they drive safely. However, it is also the duty of other drivers to distance themselves from the blind spot, giving the truck space to move and drive safely and predictably.
NHH has a record that should be replicated in terms of the safety of truck drivers. As specialists in mass transportation and heavy lifting, we work hard to operate without accidents, without damage, and most importantly, no workers are injured.
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