Magnesium Hydride Calorimeter Indonesia
At the end of the 18th century, Lavoisier isolated and identified new gases, which were obtained by reacting water, slightly acidified, with strong metal reducing forces, such as iron or magnesium. This reaction is known today as "hydrolysis". Later, the famous French chemist noted that the oxidation of this new gas produced more water, which was used to give the name: hydrogen. Finally, with his colleague, Pierre Laplace, he was able to determine, using a calorimeter of ice, the combustion heat of hydrogen. From the amount of melted ice, and despite the simplicity of the experiment, they obtained a value very close to 1.2 (108) 108 J per kg of hydrogen, which is now accepted for the parameter value. This burning heat is much higher than most substances. These findings, which form the basis of modern chemistry, also offer the possibility of storing energy in the form of chemistry, namely using certain types of energy (electricity, light, mechanics, ...) in the production of hydrogen calorimeter indonesia from water and then recovering a higher or less fraction of energy by burning fuel, it reacts again to water again. If, as the main energy source for hydrogen production using solar energy, this is what we now know as the Solar-Hydrogen Energy System.
In the past few decades, the use of hydrogen as a fuel has been considered a clean alternative. The introduction of hydrogen as fuel requires a search system that is able to store safely and reversibly and with high volumetric capacity (number of hydrogen per unit volume) and gravimeter (amount of hydrogen per unit mass). At the Renewable Energy Materials Laboratory (MIRE) of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Led by Professor Carlos Sanchez Lopez, twenty-five years ago was investigated in the preparation and characterization of metal hydrides, compounds that are capable of storing large amounts of hydrogen safely and reversibly. These compounds are formed by reacting metals or alloys with hydrogen gas, hydrogen atoms stored in the solid phase and described by decreasing the pressure of the hydrogen they are targeting, thereby releasing stored hydrogen.
Among the various lightweight metals that can be used to store hydrogen as a hydride, magnesium is one of the most promising because of its low price, ready availability, abundance and low toxicity. However, this alternative has two main limitations. Because of the strong ionic bonds between the atoms of magnesium and hydrogen (Mg2 + / H-), hydrides have high stability, so they must work at temperatures above 300 ° C to decompose and release accumulated hydrogen. On the other hand, the rate of reaction formation / decomposition of hydrides is limited by processes such as H-or nucleation diffusion and metal / hydride growth phases. According to some theoretical predictions, hydride stability can be reduced when working with magnesium nanoparticles, which, in addition, will also be useful for increasing the kinetics of hydride formation / decomposition. This prediction has been confirmed in part by some experimental results. However, this result is influenced by the formation of an oxide / hydroxide layer on the surface of Mg nanoparticles, something that is almost inevitable given the high metal affinity for oxygen.
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