Thermogravimetric Analyzer Tga - Technology Explained and FAQ
What is a thermal imaging camera? Thermal cameras or thermal imagers are devices that translate heat energy (heat) into visible light (color) to analyze a particular object or scene. Images generated by thermal imaging cameras are known as thermograms and are analyzed through a process called thermography.
How do they work? Almost all objects radiate heat energy from the surface. Modern thermal imagers use a detector called microbolometer to sense this heat energy. Microbolometers consist of an array of pixels made from a variety of the most common different materials, amorphous silicon and vanadium oxide. When the heat energy released by an object touches the pixel material, the material is heated to change its electrical resistance. This resistance can then be measured and translated into temperature values. The thermogram is then produced by assigning a color or color to each of these temperature values.
What do I look for when buying a thermal camera? There are many components that contribute well to the quality and cost of the thermal imager. The two most important factors are the detector thermogravimetric analyzer tga resolution and thermal sensitivity.
The detector resolution describes the number of pixels in the microbolometer array. The most common detector resolutions are 160X120, 320X240, and 640X480 pixels. These values represent the number of horizontal pixels multiplied by the number of vertical pixels in the array. The 320X240 detector produces an image of 76,800 pixels. Since each pixel has a temperature associated with it, it is also 76,800 data temperature points. The higher resolution also produces clearer images (similar to a digital camera).
Thermal sensitivity is the smallest temperature difference that the camera can detect. The sensitivity of 0.05 ° C means the camera can distinguish two surfaces by only five per hundred degrees of temperature difference.
What features can I expect to find in a thermal imager? All the portable imagers we carry capture images to the included memory card which can then be transferred to the PC via the USB interface. Each imager includes software that allows users to analyze images and create reports. Like most electronic devices, there are certain features or "selling points" that can make one imager more attractive to potential users than others. Our thermal imaging comparison graph highlights this discrepancy (link here). Here are some to look for:
Built-in digital camera Field of view and ability to add lenses (telephoto, wide, closeup) Video output to other devices such as a computer, TV, or projector. Imager LCD screen size Refresh rate (how fast image updates, 60Hz = 60 refresh per second) Touch screen capability Ability to focus the lens automatically or manually Ability to add text / sound annotations Rugged and ergonomic design Who makes thermal imaging and camera infrared? We carry three major manufacturers of thermal imaging and infrared cameras: Flir, Fluke, and Testo. Each manufacturer offers different designs and functions to best suit your application.
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